2012 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The London Olympic Stadium is 53 meters high. This blog had about 440 visitors in 2012. If every visitor were a meter, this blog would be 8 times taller than the Olympic Stadium – not too shabby.

Click here to see the complete report.

Warby Parker: Home Try-On Program

Today I received the five pairs of Warby Parker’s that I picked out for my Home Try-On Program.  Who is Warby Parker you ask?  Check out my last blog about them.

Let’s review what has happened here…Late Friday night , January 27th, I was on Warby Parker website looking at frames.  I noticed that I could have five pair sent to me, so I put five of them in my Home Try-On cart.  Once I was done I placed my order, which costed me NOTHING. (Well, they charge you one dollar to make sure you are using a real card, then they put the dollar back on.  Thus making it free.)  I received an email shortly after saying thanks for my order.  I received another email from them on Monday January 30th stating my order has shipped. WHAT!  It has shipped already? That was fast.  Speaking of fast, today Wed February 1 I received the Home Try-On kit.

First off, the presentation of the case for the five frames is very simple, elegant, and chic.  I took these to the CCSC tonight and showed them off, I felt like a salesman opening up my crate of merch and explaining which ones are which and what all that.  I LOVE IT.

That is my Grandpa, he has past away, but it looks like he could be wearing Warby’s huh?  Looks like Winstons.

Here is the question…How do they look on me?  Please help me decide which ones look best.  Or, tell me I need to try some different frames and I can do another Home Try-On.  Also, what colors?  I wear Blacks and Browns.

Designer Frames; Revolutionary Price Point

All my life I have worn eyeglasses and I know what it is like to purchase new ones.  You are in the optometrist’s office walking around picking up frames, trying them on, look at the price and them put them back.  It is insane how much we get charged to get some frames and then we have to talk about the lenses.  What material, should it have a special film on it to prevent scratches, oh and what about when people take your pictures or you are driving at night and your classes have this sheen to them; we need anti glare on them.  Even if you have insurance, you may be coming out of the office owing about $100, without insurance you will be spending twice that.

When I was younger we could not afford glasses, but thank God we had the Lion’s Club to help us out.  As you can see in the picture below, the free frames were not all that nice, but the price point was.

What if I tell you that you can get great fashionable glasses for CHEAP.  Not only are they cheap, but the company that you purchase them from will donate a pair of glasses to someone in need.  Look right above this paragraph, that kid would not of had glasses if it was not for someone helping him out.

So, who is this great company?  Their name is Warby Paker!  The best part about this company is that, yes you get the frames for $95, BUT you get the prescribed lenses as well.  That is FRAME and LENS for one low price of $95.  Am I getting your attention here?  Not only are they throwing in lenses, but the lenses have anti-scratch AND anti-glare on them, FOR FREE, NO MORE ADDED COST!

What about insurance you say?  Well, they are not up and running on taking insurance yet, but once you pay for your glasses they will send you an itemized receipt, upon request.  With this receipt you can have your insurance reimburse you for “nonparticipating provider”.

Let’s take my Humana VCP insurance for example.  With this “nonparticipating provider” I will get reimbursed $40 for frames and $25 dollars on lenses.  If my math is correct that comes to be $65 dollars.  $95 minus $65 will make me pay $30 after it is all done with.

I am supper excited to get a great pair of glasses for a great price and help someone get a free pair of glasses out of it like the little boy above did.

OH WAIT!  I almost forgot to tell you about the Home Try On Program.  You can choose FIVE pair of glasses to be mailed to you so you can try them on and have your family and friends tell you what they think.  Once your FIVE days are up you mail them back.  What about postage?  FREE – both ways.

I have requested my five and I will let you know which ones I tried and which one I will buy.  Until then, thanks for reading a dugs life.

Dirty 30

Today is a special day, January 13, 2012. I turned thirty years old today. This birthday is a lot harder for me than others that I have had. Some of you may be saying that thirty is not old at all and I agree, but it FEELS old.


I was talking with my wife about my concerns with turning thirty, mainly about not accomplishing as much as I wanted. She reminded me that my twenties were trying to get over something in my childhood. She is so right!

So what highlights do I have from my thirty years?

1. survived Houston, TX.
2. became a Christian.
3. graduated from high school, which a lot of teachers thought I would not.
4. met life long friends at a great small College. CRC!
5. met my beautiful wife at Harding University.
6. accumulated student loan debt.
7. changed a few jobs and gaining life long experiences.
8. meeting my daughter for the first time.
9. gaining employment at Arkansas Tech.
10. finding God as my Father.

I am looking forward to my 30th year and what it will bring to my life. If all goes as planned, I will graduate on August 11 and then start a masters degree in College Student Personnel (Higher Education).

I love my job that I have and do not plan on moving away from my department.

First day of classes started this week and I can’t wait to learn some Criminal Justice. You will hear about this more.
Until then…thanks for reading a dugs life.

2011 in review

Happy New Year!


One of my resolutions this year is to blog more.  Check out the stats about my blog from 2011.


The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 1,800 times in 2011. If it were a cable car, it would take about 30 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Chick-fil-a Dinner

Dinner was yummy, we had a chicken sandwhich, waffle fries and a drink.

The entertainment has kicked up a lot. We have a live DJ and he is crazy. We are having games like roller derby with toilet paper, holla hooping, and lots of dancing.

It is getting colder out and I can see sleep written all over people’s faces.

AND WHY is someone eating McD’s here? SHAMEFUL!

Thanks for reading a dugs life.

Chick-fil-a First 100 Lunch

Can we say chicken strips, chips and Chick-fil-a sauce? Yes, that is what I had for lunch.

Since my last post we had a scavenger hunt, saltine cracker chew and try to whistle and now they are doing a relay that you take a sponge and try to get a lot of water in a gallon.

You can tell that the day is getting to people. They are hanging out in their tents more and not as willing to participate in games. Of course that is me, I have not participated in any games.

I am about to go take a lil nap, catch you guys at dinner.

Thanks for reading a dugs life.

Chick-fil-a First 100 Breakfast

Are they going to call my number? What if I am an alternate? How many have been called in? These are some of the questions that were running through my mind when the raffle for the First 100 were being called out. You no longer have to call me Doug, hence forth I shall be Number 54.

Yep, I got in and I am really enjoying myself. My sociology side is coming out and I am seeing some really neat things.

1. Family Time
There are married couples here and some have their children. What a fun way to spend time with your family and get double the free chicken sandwiches. There is a little girl on rollarblades rolling around the drive through. Who knows, maybe next time I can bring my wife and daughter.

2. Community
There are groups of people here that have come from far and some that are local and it seems as though they know each other. When they would get called in during the raffle they are like, YEAH JOE, BOB, etc. There is a group of guys sharing a six man tent.
Two guys are tossing around a football as I write this entry. Earlier some people were playing a bean bag toss game. Two ladies are playing cards in front of me. And the rest are either reading books, chatting or sleeping.

3. Great Business Ethics
Chick-fil-a knows customer service. If you have ever ordered here you know that it is their “Pleasure” to assist you.
The First 100 is a great way for Chick-fil-a to connect with their consumers and get a great fan base. What better advertisement than 100 tents being erected in your parking lot? Just think of how many people are doing what I am doing and bloging, texting, facebooking, and twitting about their experience. All great advertisement for 52 free meals for 100 people.

For breakfast they served chicken biscuits and it was yummy. We were given a plastic Chick-fil-a cup to take advantage of the all you can drink water, sweet tea and coffee that is sitting out. The only complaint I have is the cup. It would be nice to have a larger cooler cup that said First 100 Event Participant. One with a lid and plastic straw.

Would you consider staying in a parking lot for 24 hours for free food?

I hope you are enjoying a dugs life and I will see you again at lunch.

Chick-fil-a First 100

Have you heard of the main event that Chick-fil-a does before their grand opening? It is called the “First 100”. At first glance you think, “If I am the first 100 that shows up, then I get free Chick-fil-a for a year!” That is not the case. If you go to their website, you can view all the rules for the First 100 Event.

You have to arrive at 5:30am at the Chick-fil-a that is opening the day before their grand opening. You then are allowed on their property at 6:00am. You then form lines of 25, if there are more than 100 people, they go to a raffle. A raffle stub is passed out to you and you wait for your number to be called.

Once your number is called then you go into the restaurant to sign some legal forms. After that, you get an assigned parking spot and you are there for the night.

If you do not leave, you will earn Chick-fil-a for a year! That means you receive a coupon book of 52 free number 1’s.

Now that you understand the process, I will be writing more posts throughout the day. I just hope that my phone stays charged, I had no idea you can bring an extension cord, I should have listened to my wife.

Thanks for reading a dugs life.

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